Awakening Spirit through ART
ASTAR is a Healing Art which draws on the transformative power of artmaking for health and well-being.
The ASTAR approach to artmaking is non-judgemental and process-orientated, engaging the “don’t think mind” to find intuitive solutions. Participants are invited to work spontaneously without any planned outcomes or expectations, to trust the creative process and to honour all that is made with acceptance. Experimentation with a wide variety of art materials, found objects and natural materials is encouraged and while the entry point is not technical, many art skills and techniques are learnt along the way. The process can be light and playful, or meditative, or deeply moving and powerful. In today’s stressful world, a non-judgemental creative space is a sanctuary for free expression, self-reflection and restoration. For all of us, rediscovering and honouring the creative self is essential in our journey towards wholeness.
"Art is medicine for the soul."
The Story of ASTAR
The initial inspiration for ASTAR arose when Lindy first worked with young children and observed the great value of free, spontaneous artmaking without expectations or judgement. Over the years, her experience of teaching art to hundreds of adults and children of all ages in a variety of communities, from very disadvantaged to more affluent areas, revealed the universal transformative power of art for personal growth. The healing power of art made in an atmosphere of total acceptance inspired Lindy to focus on developing a variety of methods to help adults to let go of fear and judgement and to bypass the analytical mind to enable free authentic expression. All this led to the development of ASTAR - a specific, carefully designed approach and methodology for art as a healing modality.
In 2005, as a response to rapidly growing interest in Astar work, Lindy developed an intensive Astar Facilitator Training Course for those who were passionate about sharing this approach with others. She ran five training courses and trained sixty facilitators in Cape Town between 2005 and 2015. The training required ongoing immersion in Astar studiowork and focused on developing a deep understanding of the methodology and philosophy behind Astar. The course also included action-learning through direct teaching practice with reflection, self-evaluation and feedback. Over the years, Astar trained facilitators have set up flourishing private art teaching studios and this therapeutic and transformative work has been experienced by a vast network of people.
Some facilitators have used the Astar approach in community work and the emotional, physical and spiritual healing benefits have been felt in a variety of contexts such as community centres, prisons, rehabilitation and trauma centres, homes for refugees and senior citizens, hospitals and hospices. Art processes have been designed and integrated into self-development courses for adults, youth and children in many community projects. This work was formally co-ordinated between 2016 and 2021 in a registered non-profit organisation called The Astar Project (TAP).

The ASTAR Studio
Group work
Lindy facilitates workshops and ongoing groups in the Astar Studio which is a sanctuary for creative expression, quiet and undisturbed by the outside world. Participants are guided through a wide range of creative processes with inspirational exercises, meditation, technical guidance and reflection practices. These non-verbal therapeutic art processes offer an opportunity for the integration of life and art as layers of meaning are revealed through images and markmaking.
One-on-one work
Lindy also offers individual one-on-one healing art processes which provide an opportunity to tap into your inner life, to tune into your soul’s needs and to download messages for guidance. The healing benefits of this work are often felt over time as the images which are generated are like slow-release medicine for the soul. The guided creative process is collaborative and dynamic and can stimulate and inspire further creative practice in any form such as art, music or writing. The individual sessions are for all levels of artmaking and both beginners and artists are welcome.

ASTAR online
Healing art processes at home
Astar courses are now available online, making it possible for you to enjoy the benefits of this self-healing creative practice in the comfort of your own home.
These courses are designed for all levels of artmaking and no prior art experience is needed. They are self-paced with lifelong access, offering flexibility and creative independence. The courses include rich multimedia learning with audio, video, written and visual material.